NOTE: The annual dues for 2024 are $514.00.
Notices for the Communities of Chastain Glen HOA fees for 2025 were mailed to all residents at the beginning of December. Fees are due in January and will be late after January 31st.
We are learning that mail delivery in our communities tends to be uncertain at best. Mail is frequently lost and/or mis-delivered. If you have experienced these issues, it will benefit all your neighbors if you file an official complaint at our local post office. The more complaints they see, the more likely they are to address.
If you have not yet received your 2025 invoice, contact Sheila Levy (listed below) to request a copy.
Online Bill Pay Instructions for Communities at Chastain Glen
Visit the Pacific Western Bank/Association Bank Website: direct at
click or paste this link in your web browser: https://www.hoabankservices.com/OnlinePayments/payment.aspx
Please save your login/password information for future payments. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.
Thank You!
Sheila Levy – Abacus Property Management
Email: Sheila@Abacusmgt.com
Telephone Number: (404) 256-4200 • Fax (404) 256-2701
Need information or form reach out to Sheila!
- Annual dues will be applied to the accounts 1/1/2024.
- Dues will be considered late if not paid by 1/31/24.
- The late fee will be applied after 1/31/24 of 10% or $51.40.
- See the General Info Page for information on how to pay your dues online.
Notices for the Communities of Chastain Glen HOA fees for 2025 were mailed to all residents at the beginning of December. Fees are due in January and will be late after January 31st.
We are learning that mail delivery in our communities tends to be uncertain at best. Mail is frequently lost and/or mis-delivered. If you have experienced these issues, it will benefit all your neighbors if you file an official complaint at our local post office. The more complaints they see, the more likely they are to address.
If you have not yet received your 2025 invoice, contact Sheila Levy (listed below) to request a copy.
Online Bill Pay Instructions for Communities at Chastain Glen
Visit the Pacific Western Bank/Association Bank Website: direct at
click or paste this link in your web browser: https://www.hoabankservices.com/OnlinePayments/payment.aspx
- Choose: Online Payments
- Choose: Echeck/Register
- Choose Your Association Name: Communities at Chastain Glen – Just typing Chastain Glen, it will come up
- You will need your Association Account Number: 38 followed by the numerical part (house number) of your street address, no spaces or dashes.
- The annual dues for 2024 are $514.00. Annual dues will be applied to the accounts 1/1/2024 and late if not paid by 1/31/24. The late fee will be applied after 1/31/24 of 10% or $51.40.
Please save your login/password information for future payments. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.
Thank You!
Sheila Levy – Abacus Property Management
Email: Sheila@Abacusmgt.com
Telephone Number: (404) 256-4200 • Fax (404) 256-2701
Need information or form reach out to Sheila!
Kids Meet and Play!!
The first get-together of “parents with young children” met at the Enclave Playground June 3rd. The second monthly young parents meet up took place at the Enclave pool on July 1st. Everyone had a great morning and upcoming playdates will be scheduled. If you are interested in joining the fun and camaraderie, contact Van Luong, 404-424-2099 or Kim Sassone, 404-403-7789. The second monthly young parents meet up took place at the Enclave pool on July 1st. |
New Garbage Company!
“Waste Connections is glad to provide the garbage service for the Chastain Glen Community. Please consider us when choosing a waste and recycling hauler for your home!” Please call us at 678-720-0500 or visit our website at: https://myaccount.wcicustomer.com/ Volunteers Needed! Your community and your pool need YOU! Make it part of your evening walk. It takes only 5-10 minutes of your time! What do Pool Volunteers do?
Questions? Or if you’d like to volunteer, Reach out to Stan Bradford for the Enclave, stanbradford55@gmail.com or Scott Mazur for the Glen, scottmazur@comcast.net Oh, yes! We have a great Award Luncheon To recognize our Volunteers At the end of the season!! We need your updated email addresses! - We would love to share more communications with you - about events, ways to make our communities better, questions you’ve raised, and more! A more complete, up-to-date Communities of Chastain Glen email list would make this possible. Please note: We find many email addresses on our community list are out-of-date. Please make sure the email address we have on file for you is your current one! Please send your current email address to Sheila Levy (sheila@abacusmgt.com) so that we may share more information digitally in the future. Home Modifications
Any time you are making any exterior renovations to your home or undertaking a construction project, approval is required under our HOA covenants. This includes painting, fences, deck or storage shed installation, patio or awning additions, sidewalks, and tree removal. Curb appeal 101. It’s the little things that make a difference! We’ve noticed that many residents have made major improvements to their homes since Covid-19 kept many of us at home over the last 18 months - exterior painting, updating decks, new front doors, installing new windows, gutters, and garage doors, refurbishing tired landscaping. This is a double win! Not only do these renovations increase the value of an individual home, but they also add to the overall appeal of our communities and influence real estate transactions by attracting prospective buyers. However, there are some smaller items that tend to get overlooked by some residents which can contribute to an overall sloppy appearance on a street. Items such as:
It’s not just major enhancements and renovations that make up the overall appeal of your home and surrounding street. Don’t underestimate the importance of sloppy, unkempt impressions that take away from the attractiveness of your home’s appeal (and that of your next-door neighbor’s) |
Thanks, Rachael, for the Flags . . .
Spring cleaning from a couple of years ago ...
Enjoyed the camaraderie of other residents and King of Pops at our Pool opening party . . .
Held a successful Community Garage Sale . . . Loved those purple balloons!
Yard of the Month Awards . . .
Held our Annual meeting before COVID-19 . . .
Shone brightly for the Christmas holidays . . .